second year
at massey university

Nature Prints
Inspired by
The botanical gardens
Screen print 2019 - This assignments brief took us to the Wellington Botanical Gardens where we gathered inspiration for our four designs. I chose to focus on the Fernery, the deep greens and rustic shapes captured my eye, especially the organic motifs each piece of bark created on the trunk of the tree. After gathering imagery and sketches from the Fernery I developed my tree inspired designs into repeat patterns. From here I chose a colour palette that I generated from my key imagery. Through the use of screen printing, dyeing and polychromatic dye I created for nature inspired designs seen above.

Chroma collection
Woven textile collection
monofilament warp
space dye yarn
Weave 2019 - Is one of my second year assignments. The focus of this assignment I chose to look into colour phycology. My main focus was to provide viewers with plays on a range of selected colours to create a stimulating and emotional connection to colour and personal perception. I chose warm toned colours and a range of different weaving structures I was taught in class to create four designs. These designs are called intensity, liveliness, empowering and stability. I used space dye techniques on three of the four designs yarns, and tone changes to play with colour. Through the use of adaptive twill, sateen, waffle and tartan two colour change, I created a collection I named "CHROMA".

knitted collection that focuses
on channeling mental health struggles through creative practices
Open Knit 2019 - This knit assignment focused on creating a hypothetical beneficial service to a chosen issue. I focused on Mental Health within Tertiary students. Looking into the benefits of knitting both physically and mentally, I created 4 knits that resemble my own difficulties whilst studying. These knits are examples of what could be achieved using colour theory and simple designs to help encourage those who are struggling to use knitting as an outlet. For my 4 designs I chose colours to help with my own personal issues whilst studying, orange is to help increase self confidence, purple to reduce anxiety, blue to calm and green to resemble home and connecting back to the earth.